The Student Accounts Office is available to assist students with school-related financial matters including tuition, fees, room and board. Following are answers to the most frequently asked questions presented to the Student Accounts Office.
Where do I pay my bill?
You may pay your bill in the Student Accounts Office located in the Lower Level of Alexander Hall. Or, you can choose from any of our convenient payment options, including online payments. Geneva College uses electronic billing (eBill) through Nelnet Campus Commerce. For more information about the eBill process and other Nelnet services, visit Nelnet FAQ's.
*NOTE: Parents do not receive notifications of billing statements unless their students have established shared access accounts for them. This is in compliance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA.)
Who do I call to ask questions?
If you have any questions about your bill or payment options, please call or email the Student Accounts Office at 724-847-6550 or
When do I pay my bill?
The balance of your bill (minus financial aid) is due August 10 for the fall semester and January 2 for the spring semester. Additionally, unpaid student accounts are subject to registration cancellation. You may sign up for a payment plan through Nelnet. For information about payment plan options visit the Nelnet FAQ web page.
How can I pay my bill?
I thought I paid my bill completely. Why is there a balance again?
Some of the items that can cause a balance on your account when you think it has been paid are listed here. Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans listed on your award notification may have small origination fee. When these loans are disbursed to your account, a fee will be deducted. Book charges are added through the semester. Parking and other fines are assessed and added as they are incurred. Room damages show on your account in the summer. Other items may also be added as they are incurred.
When will my refund (credit balance) be available?
Traditional Undergraduate students will generally receive their refund checks at the end of the 3rd week of school. Graduate students are refunded within 14 business days after the aid is posted to their student account. All other account refunds will be available within three weeks, provided all funds have been received.
Students with federal aid ONLY whose aid exceeds charges can expect their refund to be processed within 14 calendar days of when the aid disbursed to the account or the student began classes, whichever happened later.
Refunds as a result of an overpayment made by the student or authorized payer will be processed upon written request submitted to the Student Accounts office (
Why am I charged for student health insurance?
Full-time traditional undergraduate students are required to have health insurance. You will be billed for the student health insurance if you have not completed a waiver by the deadline. For more information, see our Heath Insurance page.
I have taken all of the Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans available to me through financial aid. Are there any other loans available?
Please view the Loan Option Comparison Chart.
Why isn't my financial aid reflected on my bill?
If financial aid is not showing on your account after classes begin, please log in to your Financial Aid Portal to view your financial aid status and review the "Documents" tab. You may also check with the Office of Financial Aid as there may be a problem you need to resolve (
How do I pay for my books?
Students enrolled in the Premium or Choice Book program will have books billed to their student account. If you are not enrolled in either of these programs, you may purchase books at the book store or call 724-847-6595.
What other charges may appear on my account?
Other charges besides room, meal plan and fees may appear on your account. It is important to identify the department placing the charge on your account and contact that department to resolve issues:
Parking Tickets | 724-847-5678 |
Residence Hall | 724-847-6645 |
Library Fines | 724-847-6690 |
Chapel Fines | 724-847-6641 |
The Office of Financial Aid | 724-847-6530 |
Student Accounts | 724-847-6550 |
Helpful tips
Fees and aid may change due to class drops and adds, financial aid verification, additional scholarships received, etc. Federal work study wages must be earned and the wages are paid directly to the student.
Don't forget
Compare your financial aid award notification to your bill. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.